Hello i am completely new with node red. I created 7 flows and deployed almost 400 nodes . I use node-red modbus node to extract several info from one UPS unit and one A/C unit via modbus tcp . Although flows are behaving as they supposed to do , i realised from chart graphs i use ,that node red restarts between periods . I then look to the ubuntu server logs and get several errors . In each flow i inject every node with the same inject node having an interval of 1 sec . Here are the errors i get
Is there any chance i can deal with this mess? or i should immediatly leave the project. (Everything is working fine except the restarts i deal with) . Also is there any chance that flows i use to somehow damage ups network managment card? thanks a lot.
Thank you very much for the quick response . This is running on an ubuntu vm . i can double the memmory of this server if this could help. Node-RED version: v1.0.3
0|node-red | 12 Jan 17:20:37 - [info] Node.js version: v12.14.0
0|node-red | 12 Jan 17:20:37 - [info] Linux 4.4.0-170-generic x64 LE
also when i want to deploy a flow . an info message appears and states that there are 45 nodes that are not configured well. But i cant map the problem with that nodes and everything seems to work just fine. i only use modbus flex getter nodes seperatly for every info i want from manufactures register map. and have set timeout to 6000 and reconect timeout to 2000 also i have ticked recconect on timeout and as i said i inject all of modbus flexgetter nodes from the same inject node with 1s interval.
Since you mentioned modbus, have you made sure to set all those modbus nodes to use the common configuration you created for the first one? In the flow editor, a red triangle will show at the top (middle?) of a node to show that it hasn't been configured correctly. Go through the editor and see which nodes that are and fix those nodes first, that might be related to your issue as well.
This would seem to indicate that you have plenty of memory and you don't seem to have a CPU resource issue either. If you were running short of system memory, you would start to see swap file utilisation creep up.
What you mean by "for the first one". Also i am not observing any red triangle . Can you please describe how i can access the editor . The only way i can access editor is when after a deploy appears a message stating that "there have been some changes ----> reviw them "and everything there seems right
Sorry wrong terminology . By editor i meant the list with nodes . For example if server runs newer flows a message appears and you can review changes . I thought that list was the editor not the workplace you can create flows. in any case could it possible to find the wrong configured node inside the editor (workspace) and not from servers terminal?
Totallyinformation first of all thanks for your time and help you provided. I didnt try to rename because the last time i got involved with servers terminal everything collapsed:) . Since that can you please advise how to rename flow file?. I use this command to start node-red.( pm2 start /usr/bin/node-red). Also you said that i have many errors . do you count as an error modbus timeout and reconect logs? I m pretty sure you understood my ...experience so if you can describe as you talk to a 5 years old boy Also i want to give a clue here . Everything is working just fine except from the fact that node-red restarts by itself every 10-15 hours
Assuming that you are logged into the server with the same userid that runs node-red and assuming you are using Linux.
cd ~/.node-red
You have multiple issues so it is virtually impossible for anyone to resolve everything. Like anything on a computer, you have to take things in simple steps, 1 at a time.
Particularly with a complex platform like Node-RED, you have to be sure you have the basics working correctly before bunging in a whole load of modbus nodes. Just looking through the forum indicates that modbus can be a pig (I don't use it so I'm only going by the forum).