Not able to start two streams after recovery

This flow was working flawlessly until I deleted Node-RED and recovered it from a back up.

The second stream i.e. resetting the timer and then switching off the lights doesnt at all work now.

The second stream or output for all my 9 flows are not working at all.

Below is example No. 2 (Main Cabin)

Well, then you must have messed up things when you deleted some essential stuff that was uncovered by your backup

Add debug nodes to your flow and work out which node is not working.

Debug 2 has no output
I guess the timer thingy is not working sending you the parameters inside it

here is the timer/delay settings.
It is not providing any output.

What do you see on debug 3? Note that if the messages on that debug node are closer together than 30 seconds then the trigger node will never send anything, because you have said Extend delay if new message arrives.

Debug 1 says "ON", Debug 3 says "ON"

Altho the motion has shut "off", Debug 2 never changes its state and has no info at all.

Does a blue dot appear under the 30 secs trigger node when debug3 shows an output?

How often does debug 3 show it has received a message? Does the dot disappear after 30 seconds?

Please show a screenshot of the flow with the debug pane showing the output.

Somehow I experimented and realised I don't need the Reset Node at all.

The timers itself have an additional delay once a new message arrives.

Thanks for all the help guys.

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