Is the field you are trying to chart called field1 or value, and does it exist in the temp measurement? If you use the influx command line, USE the database HUMIDITY and then select * from temp you will see what data you have for each field.
Can you show the influx command line output, including the full command sequence to get there please. I want to see the database selection and the headings. If you use select * from temp order by time desc limit 5 then it will output just the most recent samples.
Also in grafana click on the Query Inspector button at the right above the query definition and click Copy to Clipboard and then paste the result here. Use the </> button when pasting it in. Click Query Inspector again to make it go away.
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "api/datasources/proxy/1/query",
"params": {
"db": "HUMIDITY",
"q": "SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"temp\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"measurement\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)",
"epoch": "ms"
"data": null,
"precision": "ms"
"response": {
"results": [
"statement_id": 0,
"error": "not executed"
"executedQueryString": "SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"temp\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"measurement\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)"
You have not answered the question. There appear to be two queries in the query inspector, one fetching the field value from the measurement temp and a second one fetching the field value from the measurement named measurement. However there is no such measurement in the database. It suggests to me that you have defined two queries for that chart, but have only been showing us the first one.
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "api/datasources/proxy/1/query",
"params": {
"db": "HUMIDITY",
"q": "SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"temp\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)",
"epoch": "ms"
"data": null,
"precision": "ms"
"response": {
"results": [
"statement_id": 0,
"error": "unsupported mean iterator type: *query.stringInterruptIterator"
"executedQueryString": "SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"temp\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)"
Show me the query inspector output, a screenshot of the chart showing no data and the terminal commands running influx, USEing the database and SELECTING the data to show what is in the database please.
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "api/datasources/proxy/1/query",
"params": {
"db": "HUMIDITY",
"q": "SELECT mean(\"numbers\") FROM \"temp\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)",
"epoch": "ms"
"data": null,
"precision": "ms"
"response": {
"results": [
"statement_id": 0
"executedQueryString": "SELECT mean(\"numbers\") FROM \"temp\" WHERE time >= 1597571341360ms and time <= 1597744141368ms GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)"