Hey there, I'm not getting forward on my project, here shortly:
- sensors geathering data and send via LoRaWAN to the house
- raspberry pi get these data from serial port and stores it in influxDB-1.x
- grafana should visualize the data for a good overview
right now I use node red (with node-red-contrib-influxdb) to store the data in influxDB
here comes the problem.
If I take the data as it comes as 'string' I get an error: 'No measurment specefied'
Here the data I'm trying to send:
sensorA,ta=22.44,tb=22.80,lf=53.00,bf=1582 ri=113
...because I don't no what to, I tryed a different way instead of solving the problem:
so I deleted the name of the measurment 'sensorA,'
and put the name of the measurment in the node-red-contrib-influxdb.
now I didn't get an error, but the result was not good.
when I checked whats in the database, I just got a time stamp with a value.
when I manually write the same data per insert into the database it works fine:
Maybe a problem with the type of the data? (string)
I don't know any programmer who could help me and I'm sure this question has be answerd before, maybe allready in the forum. I looked at a lot of influx topics, but I struggle with understanding everything (my programming knowlage is +-0).
I guess the hardest part of solving this, is to explain it to me
I'm happy for evey answer.
Greetings Jonathan