16 October 2023 13:41
knowing nothing about the node forward makes it hard to help further.
You can use rate limit as a queue. To make it more efficient once your sql node responds you can feed msg.flush set to 1 back to the delay node to release next. Read help text for delay node, both Colin and me have posted example flows for this in the past.
here is one
Will queuing the inputs and only allowing new input once tcp responds work
[{"id":"7f219818a234a3c6","type":"inject","z":"d1395164b4eec73e","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"eeeeee","payloadType":"str","x":510,"y":520,"wires":[["3b447fd41df4372d"]]},{"id":"3b447fd41df4372d","type":"function","z":"d1395164b4eec73e","name":"add \"\\r\\n\"","func":"msg.payload = msg.payload + '\\r\\n';\nreturn ms…
If you mean that you have a section of flow and you want to wait till one message has completely passed through that section before the next one is allowed through then have a look at this example of how to do it. Set the time in the Queue node to a greater time than your flow should ever take to run through. If something locks up then it will release the next message after that time in order to let things keep going.
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