OK, what just happened?


I have been quite for a while now, I know.

But suddenly the site seems to have changed.

(All today)

Originally I was seeing a this site is read only message.

Did a force refresh and got logged out.
Logged in and the screen has changed when I am logged in.
So I click on the GENERAL option and get to this page.

Ok, so things change, but the most recent post is from 2022.

Just wanting to check all is ok at your end of things.


I was also logged out

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Strange, as now - after my posting the question - the display/screen has gone back to what I see as normal.


Maybe a bug of discourse :man_shrugging:

Oh well...

I'll have to put it down to just don't know.


Though I shall have to mention here:
There is no solution option....
Ok, it may not be called that exactly.

But there is not an option to close this post as no longer needing attention.

There was some routine maintenance on the site this morning which took longer than Discourse were expecting. All back now.