Omron CJ2M CPU33 Connected! Cannot read data

No. That is purely for cx-programmer to connect to PLC. But you can use that to test connection settings by changing to Ethernet mode and entering the expected settings.

Did you power PLC off then on after changing?

yes, i power off/on the plc

Hello steve, below is my connection setup.. can you help me to figure out why i cannot connect using the UDP..i try TCP it can connect but cannat read data.see image below for reference
Note: the data type in the setup in PLC for D3552 is not familiar with this..

This issue was resolved outside of the forum.

For anyone reading, the issue was @DonCube running node-red V2.x + nodejs V10

Both node-red v2.x and node-red-contrib-omron-fins require nodejs V12+

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