Parking system

i m having a final year project and i m struggling with NOde-red
the project is parking demo using a RASPBERRY +servo as a gate+apprxomity sensor to check the
availability of the LOT
i 'll be glad if you can check my node code and fix it

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        "func": "p = msg.payload;\nif (p = 1)\n{msg.payload=true;\nreturn 1;}\nelse\n{msg.payload=false;\n}\nreturn 0;}\n",
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        "name": "Format date",
        "func": "const dateNow = {'payload': formatDate()}\n\nfunction formatDate(){\n//29 Aug 2021 06:15:36\n    let date = new Date();\n    let year = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { year: 'numeric' }).format(date);\n    let month  = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { month: 'short' }).format(date);\n    let day = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { day: '2-digit' }).format(date);\n    let time = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false });\n    return `${day} ${month} ${year} ${time}`;\n}\n\nreturn dateNow",
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You haven’t said what the problem is. I.e. what problem is happening?

unable to control the servo + the dashboard needs some fix

Welcome to the forum @noobmaster

I think it unlikely that anyone here is going to complete your final year project for you. However, if you add debug nodes to the flow at appropriate places and work out exactly which node is not doing what you think it should, and post just that node and maybe a few around it, tell us what is going into the node and out of it and what is not as it should be then I am sure someone will help.

Ehh, was it your examination??

yes....bit in a rush

ok ...a function that can control a servo to open wait few seconds the close...will be helpfull

Have you looked at the delay node?

Use a trigger node for that. Set it to send the open command, then Wait the appropriate time, then send the close command.

thx for your help...i need it to be a closed loop...when i push the button i want i to open and close for once only not an open to achieve it?

Feed the button into the trigger node, when you press the button it will open and then close.

thx i ll try my best

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