I've searched about this issue, but I couldn't find anything.
Well, my problem is about configuring one netatmo node (https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-netatmo-energy), and using the node SETROOMTHERMPOINT, which has this parameters.
Node config
- home_id - (required) Id of the home
- room_id - (required) Id of the room
- mode - (required) The mode you are applying to this room - manual OR home
- temp - (Optional) Manual temperature to apply
- endtime - (Optional) End time in second, eg. 180
I would like to pass from another node, a dashboard slicer, the temp parameter. This slicer set the msg.payload output the number I've select in the dashboard. For example, if i select 29 in this slicer, how can I configure the netatmo node to accept this payload and include it in its payload?
How could I configure this node to accept the parameter from the previous node??
Thanks in advance!