I want to use node-red to PATCH (update) a row in baserow through API.. I'm able to retrieve row information using the HTTP-in and GET function no problem but editing a row with PATCH is where I fall down..
The HTTP-in or HTTP request doesn't allow for a PATCH function but does allow for a "set by msg.method" selection.. How or where do I initialize the "msg.method" variable? thus far I tried an inject node feeding a change node to set the msg.method to a string value of "PATCH" and then finally into an http-in node with my baserow url to make the change but nothing happens..
Am I on the right track with this or way off the mark here?
Interesting. There's a few things that will help figure this out.
What is your flow so far?
What input are you giving/getting?
What should the output be?
You'll want to have some kind of example for 2 and 3. That way anyone who helps can see what needs to be changed and what it needs to look like after it gets its change.