How can I convert this payload to have a query like this:
insert into data1 values ('DB1.DI0','1','ok'), ('DB1.DI4','2','ok'), ('DB1.DI8','3','ok'), ('DB1.DI12','4','ok'), ... and so on.
I have try to split my payload into multiple message and create a query for each message, this is working but I have too much data and some data are missing.
SO that's why I want to send only one big query to my MSSQL Server.
msg.query = "insert into data1 values "
var suite = "";
for (var key in msg.payload) {
if (msg.payload.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var val = msg.payload[key];
suite += "('" + key + "','" + val + "','" + Time + "'),"
msg.suite = suite
msg.payload = msg.query + msg.suite.slice(0, -1)
And now I can store 400 values every 800ms to the SQL database