Plot things on an zoomable image background

Hi !

I am looking for a similat sollution, like [node-red-contrib-web-worldmap] (node-red-contrib-web-worldmap (node) - Node-RED),
but my aim is not to use geographical map, but an image or vector graphic.

I'd like to be able to put icons on a factory layout, representing running machines and their data.

Any idea how to solve such views ?

Thank you !

Have a look at Bart his Svg node node-red-contrib-ui-svg (node) - Node-RED
There's a option for zooming and panning in the settings tab.
Never used it myself so not sure if this is what you want.
Give it a try...

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That seems to be just, what I was looking for, looks very promising, thank you for the hint,
I'll give it a try !

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