Possibility to choose multiline editor instead of classic string editor in subflow environment variable input type

When I create a subflow it might be useful to have the possibility to choose a multiline editor for some environment variable instead of classic one line string editor

May I ask why?

In my case I use an environment variable to store an sql statement, on a multiline editor is more readble respect to a single line one.

For example
select a.apple, b.orange, c.kiwi from store1 a inner join store 2 b on a.id = b.id inner join store3 c on a.id = c.id
on multiline you can write a more readble statement (I see that spaces are trimmed :pensive:)
store1 a
inner join
store2 b on a.id = b.id
inner join
store3 c on a.id = c.id


Can you try using a '/n' at the end of the line?

I'm not sure if it does anything - or even what you want - but definitely breaks subflow titles into multiple lines to enhance readability.



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