From the node-red console, using the Layout tab, the edit button for link items no longer works.
All other edit buttons work, just not for links.
I have restarted the browser and cleared cookies.

Node-RED : node-red-docker@3.1.0 /usr/src/node-red
`-- node-red@3.1.0
Node.js : v18.17.1
npm : 9.6.7
Platform : Linux 5.15.0-84-generic x86_64
Browser : FireFox 103
node-red-dashboard : 3.6.0
Can you be more specific?
- When you mention the
Layout tab
are you talking about the dashboard?
- Is that
node specific to Docker?
Can you provide a simple flow that has teh issue?
To add to @zenofmud's questions, what node type is the Link node? There is not a Link node in the standard node-red-dashboard, as far as I can see.
This Layout tab, the one for the dashboard.

It's not a node, it's an item on the dashboard menu (shown bottom-right of above image)
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