
i've seen that node-red-contrib-postgres as been deprecated and not available for node-red v0.20,
this also disable the node-red-contrib-postgres-listen node.

Any way to enable these? or substitutes?
Someone are planning to implement the listen/notify with node-red-contrib-postgres-variable or node-red-contrib-postgres-multi?

i've tested node-red-contrib-postgres-variable and node-red-contrib-postgres-multi, both can work with queries, but not work with the postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY feature.

What is needed to do in node-red-contrib-postgres to "un-deprecate" ?


As workaround:
guided by another post o this forum, i've replaced postgres.js code from npm by code provided at github:

and disabled line 58 in pglisten.js.

Now it is working. :smiley: