Hello, i'm receiving data which change in every objects, i'd like to make a loop and send 60 differents msg if there's 60 objects for example.
this is the code i've done, i managed to get the amount of objects by using the msg.payload.length, and in the new msg.payload i'd like to send what you can see in the screenshot, but just change the "x" by the number of the object, to get the "lat" and "lon" variables changing depending of the objects.
The message get sent only once only with the data of the msg.payload[0] object.
How my msg.payload first look :
Any help would be really apreciated ! Thank you for reading me and i apologize for my english.
My flow code as well:
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"name": "Problème : ",
"info": "Impossible de mettre :\n\n`Date de loc.\nSat.\nQualité loc.`\n\nDans le tableau, raison probable = un point après le nom de l'objet qui fait buger lors du transfert du fichier CSV -> Tableau ",
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