Problems sending SMS via sms77 nodes


I have a problem with SMS77.
I configured several Dragino temperature sensors via Node Red. To keep it simple, Flow1 has 1 sensor that should send both an email and an SMS once the temperature is reached. This also works, always correctly. SMS node with its own name1 with its own API, a contact1. (Text refers to the corresponding sensor)
Now comes the problem.

I configured a new Flow2 for another customer. Another temperature sensor.
The Flow2 actually does the same thing. Email and SMS sending. Mail always works and is always correct and refers to the correct sensor. But...
it sends to contact1 from Flow1 and the text is also from Flow1.
Although I changed everything in the second SMS77 node. Own API, own text, own name2 and contact2
Why? Many Thanks

Hi There,

could perhaps post the relevant flows here?

It's kinda hard to debug anything with just this description.

Update... the problem is also in a flow with two SMS77-sms nodes

From your screenshot, I would say that the sms77 nodes are both disabled. No wonder they're not doing anything. Try enabling them again and see if they then work.

If that does not help, try including the flows.json file here so that we can investigate your code and not just look at it :wink:

Notice that I can't really do anything with a screenshot of your flows, only by viewing the code could I do something. For that, use the export functionality of Node-RED and include the JSON code of the flows here. If that is not possible, then it's really hard to help.

Both disabled... correct. I did this after I noticed that incorrect data was being sent
flows (1).json (12.8 KB)

Looking at your flow that is incorrect, both SMS nodes use the same configuration node hence the same API key ....

Also the SMS nodes use the same recipient - "Klima" - would not that ensure the message is sent to the same people? the SMS service provider told me that all SMS77 nodes only require 1 API.

It is intentional that the same recipient is entered on both SMS nodes.
As a test, I have already created and configured 2 different APIs. But the error is the same.

In flows in which only 1 device is monitored, i.e. only 1 SMS77-sms node is present, everything works as it should.

Btw why is there a "trigger & block" when the "trigger 90 min" could directly trigger the alarm?

The "trigger 90 min" could send the message that the "trigger & block" sends - don't quite understand why you need two triggers there.

We monitor a cold storage facility. If the cold store is only filled with goods and the door is open when the temperature quickly drops above 0 degrees Celsius. Then no alarm should be sent because the temperature drops again after the door is closed. That's why we wait 90 minutes. (Trigger 1) Is the temperature again
below -10 degrees Celsius the 2 triggers become active and perform a reset. No SMS will be sent. If the temperature remains above -10 degrees, Trigger&Block is not active and an alarm SMS is sent.

But you reset both triggers if the temp drops below -10, therefore the trigger with 90 min delay would also reset and no sms would be sent.

Temp rises above -10 and the trigger with the 90min wait is set. Not the trigger and block,

Ah ok the trigger & block prevents multiple sms from being sent while the temp is above -10.

Ok, answered my own question!

But these sms would only be sent every 90mins on the other hand - because of the 90min delay ….

I tested this with 2 Injekt Nodes -18 (no SMS sending) and -10 (SMS sending). This works well. Email always works too. In principle everything works as we imagined. NOT ONLY SMS. And I don't understand that.

90 minutes is ok. That's the goods not yet thawed. The sensors transmit every 20 minutes. The temperature is usually around -18 degrees Celsius again

Could it be that you have preset texts with your sms provider which overwrites the text you send with the trigger?

No we dont have present texts

Does the sms77 node take values from the msg object or do the values defined in the node overwrite msg values? Obviously those incorrect values must either come from the msg object, the node or the configuration node - or some flow values or even worse, global values.

Check the context values in the sidebar for the flow tab - perhaps something is set there.


I have reconfigured my flow. Since the email always sends correctly, I connected the SMS node to the change node (alarm message) and did not enter any text in the SMS node.