Hi old friends. Hope you are well. I could use soem help. I reached out to Steve Bradley on this.. but in the event I dont hear from him.. i'm posting here
in 2020 i creates a 10 m long keyboard for the bass player for the band Phish using node-red contrib-music code. That ran fine on. pi 4 using the OS and node-red nodes of the time. I’m doing some maintenance on the unit and am trying to run the same code on a new pi 4 running a fresh Bullseye install . I’m using the latest node-red, nodejs, supercollider, jack… Etc. I’ve installed the node-red-contrib-music and node-red-contrib-osc nodes. Something seemed to have changed in the OSC path to supercollider. My code hasn’t changed, but I see some mention that the OSC node has changed.. but despite my google efforts, I haven’t seen an example of what I need to do to configure the input to the OSC node to make it work. Any ideas ? Thanks so much !
I’m getting the following errors . in my node-red console
Error: The specified packet was not recognized as a valid OSC message or bundle. Packet was: {
"args": "tick"
using this flow:
[{"id":"82500a7fef352205","type":"tab","label":"Flow 4","disabled":false,"info":"","env":[]},{"id":"1f72d32a49767a16","type":"osc","z":"82500a7fef352205","name":"","path":"","metadata":false,"x":530,"y":140,"wires":[["ad56a2a6c2262910"]]},{"id":"e125e032da3a0e98","type":"inject","z":"82500a7fef352205","name":"tick","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"tick","payloadType":"str","x":170,"y":160,"wires":[["04b3d5812f307f5a"]]},{"id":"04b3d5812f307f5a","type":"synth","z":"82500a7fef352205","name":"","synthtype":"kick","filterTags":{},"volume":50,"octave":0,"root":"","scale":"","degree":"","outBus":0,"synthcontrols":{"mod_freq":"2","beater_noise":"0.05","pan":"0"},"sampleName":"","x":310,"y":100,"wires":[["1f72d32a49767a16"]]},{"id":"ad56a2a6c2262910","type":"udp out","z":"82500a7fef352205","name":"","addr":"","iface":"","port":"57110","ipv":"udp4","outport":"57111","base64":false,"multicast":"false","x":640,"y":20,"wires":[]}]
Supercollider is giving me console errors that look like:
12 Nov 22:48:37 - [error] [osc:1f72d32a49767a16] Error: The specified packet was not recognized as a valid OSC message or bundle. Packet was: {
"args": "tick"
any help much appreciated !