Pull request proposal: automatic certificate renewal

Hi folks,

A few months ago @Paul-Reed shared with us a very interesting article about automatic renewal of certificates using Letsencrypt. However from that article it appeared that you have to restart Node-RED, every time a certificate is renewed (in the key file):


Would be nice if we could implement automatic certificate renewal in Node-RED.
It seems to me that not much code is required to accomplish this. But I might be mistaken ...

The current Node-RED behaviour

In the settings.js file, a ā€˜httpsā€™ property allows us to specify the location of the keypair (i.e. both private and public key files):

In red.js this settings.js file is loaded (which means readFileSync is executed) during Node-RED startup. And the resulting ā€˜httpsā€™ property is passed, when the web server is started:

The problem is that those readFileSync functions are only executed once (via 'require'), which means both key files are only loaded when Node-RED starts. This means you will need to restart Node-RED to load updated key filesā€¦

It is easy to test this behaviour:

  1. Open your flow editor and view the original certificate (in the browser):


  2. Generate two new key files (as described in this tutorial).

  3. When a new flow editor session is being started, the original certificate will still be used (instead of the new one)!

  4. Restart Node-RED.

  5. When a new flow editor session is being started, the new certificate is being used:


NodeJs version 11 comes to the rescue

The above ā€œserverā€ variable is of type Class https.Server, which extends from tls.Server. As a result we have following function available (as a result of this pull request):

Remark: it is a pity that this feature is not available in NodeJs version 10, since that is the recommended version for Node-RED. But at least version 12 seems to be supported by Node-RED...

Node-RED pull-request proposal

Based on this feature in NodeJs, I implemented following mechanism:

I assume that that not every customer will need automatic renewal, and that the time interval needs to be adjustable. As a result, a new option needs to be added to the settings.js file:

// The following property can be used to renew credential files at regular time intervals (seconds).
// Caution: NodeJs version 11 or above is required to use this option!
//credentialRenewalTime: 3600,

When this new option is uncommented, a timer will be started (at Node-RED startup time) to read the settings.js file again. Which means to check for renewed credentials at the specified time interval:

if (settings.https) {
   server = https.createServer(settings.https,function(req,res) {
   // Setup automatic certificate renewal for NodeJs version 11 and above
   if (settings.credentialRenewalTime) {
      if (server.setSecureContext) {
         console.log("Checking renewed credentials every " + parseInt(settings.credentialRenewalTime) + " seconds.");
         setInterval(function () {
            //console.log("Checking for renewed credentials.");
            try {
               // The ā€œrequireā€ mechanism will cache the previous loading result of the settings.js file.
               // Which means the cache contains the result of 'readFileSync', so it contains the previous credentialsā€¦
               delete require.cache[settings.settingsFile];
               // Read the settings file again, to have the 'readFileSync' statements read the updated files 
               var renewedSettings = require(settings.settingsFile);
            } catch(err) {
               console.log("Cannot renew the credentials: " + err);
         }, parseInt(settings.credentialRenewalTime) * 1000);
      else {
         console.log("Cannot renew credentials automatically.  NodeJs version 11 or above is required.");
} else {
   server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {app(req,res);});

It is very easy to test this new behaviour:

  1. When the new setting is in comment, Node-RED still behaves like previously (which means no automatic certificate renewal). So no impact on existing flows!

  2. When this setting is uncommented but on an older NodeJs version (10.x), you get a warning and Node-RED will behave the same way as before:


  3. Afterwards I have installed NodeJs version 11.x.

  4. I create a new key pair.

  5. I wait until the new timer has been executed.

  6. The original flow editor session keeps using the original certificate in my browser!

  7. When I open a new flow editor session, the new certificate is automatically being used!

Remark: I had to remove the settings.js file from the ā€˜require cacheā€™ because that cache contains the result of the previous 'readFileSync' statements:


When you would read the settings.js file again, the (previous) result would be read from this cache (instead of from the filesystem). Which means the 'readFileSync' statements would NOT be executed again! Clearing that cache is the only way I found, to get rid of the cached previous content of both key files...

Other impact ?

The Node-RED settings instance is also being passed to all nodes. This means that those nodes would keep using the old key files (from memory). But if Iā€™m not mistaken, this is currently nowhere used...

Hopefully it makes sense what I'm saying ...
Would be nice if this proposal would be accepted.

Thanks for reading!!

Hi @BartButenaers

I agree it would be nice to handle this scenario, but it needs a different approach.

Re-loading the settings file could have all sorts of side-effects - we don't know what other code a user may have added on the assumption it runs once as part of the Node-RED starting. So we can't do that here.

I'd suggest a design that allows the user to provide a function that Node-RED will call at the desired interval to get the certs.


Hey Nick,
Didn't knew the settings.js file was being used for that kind of purposes.
But indeed that makes sense ...

So when I add this to the settings.js file:

    // The following property can be used to renew credential files at regular time intervals (seconds)
    credentialRenewalTime: 3600,
    // The following property can be used to add a custom function to renew credentials.
    // A keypair (i.e. both the private key and the certificate) need to be returned.
    // In most cases the code from the 'https' property can be re-used here ...
    functionCredentialRenewal: function() {
        return {
            key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
            cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')

And I add this to the red.js file:

if (settings.https) {
    server = https.createServer(settings.https,function(req,res) {
    // Setup automatic certificate renewal for NodeJs version 11 and above
    if (settings.credentialRenewalTime && settings.functionCredentialRenewal && typeof settings.functionCredentialRenewal === "function") {
        if (server.setSecureContext) {
            console.log("Checking renewed credentials every " + parseInt(settings.credentialRenewalTime) + " seconds.");
            setInterval(function () {
                try {
                    //console.log("Checking for renewed credentials.");
                    var renewedHttps = settings.functionCredentialRenewal();
                } catch(err) {
                    console.log("Cannot renew the credentials: " + err);
            }, parseInt(settings.credentialRenewalTime) * 1000);
        else {
            console.log("Cannot renew credentials automatically.  NodeJs version 11 or above is required.");
} else {
    server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {app(req,res);});

Then it also works ...

It is a pity that the existing 'https' property isn't a function. Because now you have to specify both file paths (privkey.pem and cert.pem) twice in the settings, which you might forget...

Any other things that I need to change?

So with the revised suggestion, when the credential renewal occurs, it would only refresh the server certificates, and not everything else in the settings file?

Hey Paul,
Yes I just call the functionCredentialRenewal function every N seconds, which reads the private key and certificate files. Both are then passed to the NodeJs server, which will use them in the new https connections that are opened.
So there is no require(settings.js) in my timer anymore, so the Javascript code in the settings.js is not triggered anymore every N seconds ...

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Please disregard if this is an ill-thought-out suggestion, but can't the certs be retrieved from settings.js https: by red.js, without calling it as a separate function.

Currently the 'https' has been setup like this:

    https: {
        key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')

As soon as the settings.js file is read by Node-RED, all the code inside will be executed (a.o. the readFileSync functions). From then on the result will be cached (by the 'require' mechanism). This means that the readFileSync will never be executed again afterwards, but you always get the cached old result.

So I 'think' if it originally has been setup as below, that we indeed could have re-read the file (from disc) as often as we wanted:

    https: function() {
        return {
            key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
            cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')

So Nick's proposal to use a separate certificate renewal function makes sense ...

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In case you have a custom developed node, you have access to the RED object which contains the server (RED.server). So you could implement certificate updates there... The RED object also holds the settings.
You could even create a simple custom node just for that purpose - Such a node wouldn't even have to be part of any flow, you could enable the functionality when the node gets added to the pallet. You would obviously have to be careful that the node would be implemented as a "singleton".

Hi @pelis,
Yes that indeed was a problem in my first proposal: All the nodes received (at startup) a RED.settings instance, which contained the original (pre-loaded) content of the certificate.pem and privatekey.pem files. When I loaded a renewed file afterwards, the nodes still only had the old original file contents at their disposal.

However in the last version of my code (based on Nick's proposal), all the nodes now have the two new properties available:


And since the settings contain a renewal "function":


This means that now each node can execute that function, to read the (perhaps renewed) files whenever they want. They will receive two buffers that represent the content of both files:


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I assume that if this PR was added to node-RED, it would then open the door for the development that you hinted at in this post;

If so, that would make adding SSL really easy, and be a very welcome addition.

Is there any news on this PR? The discussion around it seems to have gone quiet...

Itā€™s half term down here, so Nick is on vacation for a while

At this point, there has been no pr raised for us to review or discuss.

The proposal still doesn't quite fit the "clean API" test for me. I don't see why a user should provide the certs in two different ways - both under the HTTPS property and the proposed new refresh function. I think it would be better if it were all under the https setting and the cert properties can either be the cert content itself (as is today), or a function. If it's a function and a refresh interval is also specified under the HTTPS property, then we will call it as needed.

(Yes, on holiday, so response times will be depending on kids and other interesting activities)

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Hey Nick,
Seems that I have not interpreted your "I'd suggest a design that allows the user to provide a function that Node-RED will call at the desired" correctly. Thought you meant a separate function.
But an (optional) function for the https setting itself indeed would be better. Have been thinking about that also at the time being, but thought it could break existing nodes that use the current https setting (and which don't test whether it is a function or not).
Will go back to the drawing table, as soon as I have time ...
Enjoy your holidays!!!

That Letsencrypt node was indeed the trigger for this pull request proposal. But I have no time anyway to do it all at once. Unfortunately ...

Hey Nick,
Some delay due to a surgery...
Have the third implementation already running a couple of weeks on my RPI, and had no issues yet...

The settings.js file now looks like this:

    // The following property can be used to enable HTTPS
    // See http://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_createserver_options_requestlistener
    // for details on its contents.
    // See the comment at the top of this file on how to load the `fs` module used by this setting.
    //https: {
    //  key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
    //  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')
    // This 'https' property can also be a function.  For example for automatic certificate renewal 
    // (see the 'credentialRenewalTime' property below), this property needs to be a function:
    //https: function() {
    //     return {
    //         key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
    //         cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')
    //     }

    // The following property can be used to load renewed credential files at regular time intervals (seconds).
    // Prerequisite: the 'https' session should be enabled (based on a function)!
    // Caution: NodeJs version 11 or above is required to use this option!
    //credentialRenewalTime: 3600,

When the 'credentialRenewalTime' is activated, the 'https' property MUST be a function. Otherwise the OLD file contents (cached by 'require') will be reused over and over again. I think that some users might forget about this, and will not understand why the certificate isn't renewed in their browser. Therefore I have decided to let the renewal fail (with console log) in that case, to minimize the risc for such mistakes:

And the red.js file now looks like this:

if (settings.https) {
    var startupHttps = settings.https;
    if (typeof startupHttps === "function") {
        // Get the result of the function, because createServer doesn't accept functions as input
        startupHttps = startupHttps();

    server = https.createServer(startupHttps,function(req,res) {app(req,res);});
    // Setup automatic certificate renewal for NodeJs version 11 and above
    if (settings.credentialRenewalTime) {
        if (server.setSecureContext) {
            console.log("Checking renewed credentials every " + parseInt(settings.credentialRenewalTime) + " seconds.");
            setInterval(function () {
                try {
                    //console.log("Checking for renewed credentials.");
                    var renewedHttps = settings.https;
                    if (typeof renewedHttps !== "function") {
                        console.log("Cannot renew credentials when the https property isn't a function.");
                    // Get the result of the function, because createServer doesn't accept functions as input
                    renewedHttps = renewedHttps();
                    if (!renewedHttps.key || !renewedHttps.cert) {
                        console.log("Cannot renew credentials when the https property function doesn't return a 'key' and 'cert'.");
                    // Only update the credentials in the server when key or cert has changed
                    if(!server.key || !server.cert || !server.key.equals(renewedHttps.key) || !server.cert.equals(renewedHttps.cert)) {
                        console.log("The credentials have been renewed.");
                } catch(err) {
                    console.log("Cannot renew the credentials: " + err);
            }, parseInt(settings.credentialRenewalTime) * 1000);
        } else {
            console.log("Cannot renew credentials automatically.  NodeJs version 11 or above is required.");
} else {
    server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {app(req,res);});

Don't think there is any impact on the mechanism as is today: as long as the 'https' function isn't a function and the 'credentialRenewalTime' isn't activated, it should run like it used to do in the past...

I have added a check to make sure the file contents have changed, before loading them into the webserver. Just to be sure that we don't have any impact on the running server when the file contents haven't been renewed. That way it is even safe to set the 'credentialRenewalTime' property to run much more often, if that should be required for some use case ...

Hopefully this implementation finally fits the "clean API" test?

Thanks for reviewing!

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Do we really need the two alternative https settings including in settings.js? Why not just the 'function' version.

Case 1 - New installation
Any new installation would use the 'new' settings.js file which only contained the 'function https'.

Case 2 - node-RED updates
Because settings.js is not overwritten when updating or re-running the script, existing users would continue to use the 'none-function' version that remains in their existing settings file.

Users using the 'old' settings file would be able to easily convert to the function version without replacing settings.js, by a simple edit, that could be described in the user guide/blog.

(I just know that the next post will contain Case 3, Case 4, etc :wink:)

Hey Paul,
It makes sense to me what you are saying.
For me it is all fine to be honest. Just want to create a pull request for this tiny weeny code snippet, to get rid of it in my todo list. And preferable before the lock-down in Belgium is finished, and we are allowed to leave our homes again :roll_eyes:


Hey Nick (@knolleary),
If you have some time, it would be nice if you could have a look at my last proposal (and Paul's remark about it). When it is ok for you, I will create a pull request because I need certificate renewal to better support a series of new nodes (e.g. my latest node-red-contrib-ui-web-push) which need trusted certificates like e.g. Letsencrypt.

Nick has been sick this last week and recovering. Heā€™s managed to get 1.0.5 out and has kids at home to manage full time over Easter. So while Iā€™m sure he will get to it, it may not be top of his priority list for a while.


Any decision yet @BartButenaers?

@Paul-Reed if you read the last couple of posts you'll see this hasn't been resolved yet.

Here's my proposal for how to support the cert renewal. Note this is primarily about the externals of the design - how it would get used. I'm less concern at this stage about individual lines of code in the internal implementation - we can save that for discussion in the PR.

  1. https can be the object it is today and everything works as it does today.
  2. Alternatively, https can be a Function that when called, returns the object (or a Promise.. see below) with the appropriate values.
  3. httpsRefreshInterval is a new property to determine how often it will refresh the https configuration.


  1. if https is a static object and httpsRefreshInterval is set, we should log a warning that is an invalid configuration, but it should not be fatal.
  2. if httpsRefreshInterval is set and we are running in a version of Node that doesn't support changing the secure context, we should log a warning.
  3. if https is a function, it should be able to return either the Object itself, or a Promise that resolves to the object. This will allow the function to perform asynchronous actions, such as re-reading files etc.

Any changes need to go into the dev branch for the 1.1.0 release.

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