PWA capability on Android

When "adding to home screen" in Android, the application doesn't open in full screen, but still shows the url field. Maybe something wrong with PWA specifications, as the phone doesn't detect it as a PWA.

PWA App needs https capability.

When I access the menu "add to home screen", two options appear

The "Shorcut" will open the window in Chrome, like a normal website.

the install option will add a new app that will use full screen "PWA", for this to work https is required. From your screenshoot you are using this in a local network and don't have https on the page.

Its only possible to do this on a https:// connection.

I'll update the documentation to reflect that, as we do not mention it.

This is working on legacy Dashboard and on UIBUILDER. No url field, full screen on Android on http local network. yes, I was wrong claiming for PWA: I am just asking for the full-screen capability.
On Dashboard 1 and UIBUILDER, when you click on "Add to home screen", it installs the icon as an app and opens it in full screen.

Regarding legacy dashboard it is strange

Have exactly the same behaviour on android with dashboard DB1 and DB2, if add shortcut to home screen they open in chrome as a regular site (it evens show a popup warning that the website will be open in chrome when adding the shortcut), if install the PWA app it will open in full screen.

This must be something that has changed recently. If I access the dashboard on my local network and do Add to Home Screen then also for me that shows the url bar. However, I have an existing shortcut that I added some time ago (also to the machine on the local network) and that does not show the url.

I have also found a new lock up with PWA that may have been introduced recently (and may be nothing to do with this issue). After the upgrade to NR, and also an upgrade to the dashboard (I don't know which of those is the trigger) then if I open an existing PWA shortcut then I get a hang with a blank screen. Forcing a refresh does not fix it. I have to clear the cache and then it loads ok. As I said, this may be completely unrelated to the URL issue, but I thought we had fixed all the PWA lockups, so this may be new.

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I agree with @Colin : I have old Dasboard-1 home shortcuts that are working, and now when I tried to install a new one, it is showing the url.

@fmarzocca Just to clarify, you have previous shortcuts to DB1 pages that still open in full screen, and if you add new shortcuts to DB1 pages they no longer open in full screen?

I can see some posts on stackoverflow and other sites of users complaining the same thing, seems to be something related to new chrome version changes, maybe the way the shortcut is added to the home screen has changed (or most likely google decided to have a distinction between PWA apps and regular home screen shortcuts)

Just to clarify, even with Dashboard 1.0, adding a new shortcut, it now shows the URL?

If so, I'm fairly sure this is an Android/Chrome change.

We have, to my knowledge, all of the relevant properties defined in our manifest.json (which D1.0 doesn't even have at all).

@TotallyInformation - have you consciously added anything for UIBuilder?


I'm afraid so...

Your manifest file is named manifest.webmanifest instead of manifest.json. Does it make any relevant difference?

Yes, I agree. I have an old tablet that hasn't seen an update for years and it still works on that. Also it is ok in the Brave browser, which I can highly recommend, particularly for anyone who watches youtube. It is really good at taking out the video adverts.

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Ok, I made some test. This is definitely due to a Chrome (Android) update.
I installed Brave Browser and I was able to install full screen shortcuts for either Dashboard 1 and Dashboard 2.
Thank you all for assistance.


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