Android browser full screen

Does anybody have a solution for showing dashboard (and dashboard2 for that matter) in full screen on android devices?

It seems that with Chrome/Android 15 the address bar is always shown. Same for Firefox.

Anybody found a solution for this, without elaborate kiosk mode browser apps, etc.?

Edit: It used to work for me on an earlier Android version (with Chrome) but I cannot get it to work any more. It looks like other people also have it working, somehow.

I think (though my memory on this is rather hazy) that it is controlled by the manifest file? I believe that D1 and D2 automatically create those and I don't know if you have any control over them.

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Browse to the page and then select Add to Home Screen, or Install as App, or something along those lines. The wording varies with Android version.


Add to Home Screen does not take the address bar away.

I do it that way:
In one of my cards I have content which listens for click.
The fullscreen API does require user interaction thus automatic approach is not possible with that.

<div ref="content" class="single-centered weather-content" @click="fullscreen()">

And the the function itself as simple as

methods: {
            if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
          }, ....

So looks on mobile like this


Ah yes, it only does that if you install as App, which needs https I think.

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You can also use Fully as an alternative. Many settings and also a kiosk mode.
Best regards

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