I can connect with Prosys simultaion server with OPCUA client node in Node Red but when I run python OPCUA it's not at all getting connected Why is it so? Python server - python client is working fine!
Please find the python code below
from opcua import Server
from random import randint
import datetime
import time
I haven't used that node, but I suggest you start by showing us how you have configured the client node and tell us where you are running the server and what OS/hardware node-red is running on. Also post the terminal log that is shown when you start node-red in a terminal. Then probably someone with experience of the node will be able to help.
So that is the working one, I assume. It is the failing one we need.
I note from the screenshot that you appear to be running node-red in Docker. Is that correct? If so I believe that you cannot reference the host via localhost from within the container. I mention that in case that is what you are trying to do.
Thanks for the support, Yes the node-red docker only I used, I made it worked I dockerized the python server connect to the same network and its reading now, In addition is there any examples of deploying the docker container in any cloud Kubernetes platform?
I don't know about Kubernetes. There have been posts about that previously so I suggest you start by searching the forum. Then if that doesn't help start a new thread with your question.