OPCUA SERVER from a Docker. BadCommunicationError

Hello, I installed docker desktop then I installed nodered.

I used the following from NodeRed for this:

    docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v node_red_data:/data --name mynodered nodered/node-red

Now I want to set up OPCUA server. I installed the necessary pallets for this.

  1. node-red-comtrib-opcua
  2. node-red-contrib-opcua-server

And this is the Flow (from Examples)

Everything looks good, the structure is obviously being built!

so I try to connect to this OPCUA server using UA-Expert, but it doesn't work.

I used “localhost” for the IP address. Port remained the same "54845".
For the IP address i also used "host.docker.internal" but unfortunately not successful either.
I get this message all the time: BadCommunicationError

Is it correct that I use "localhost" as IP address? If not, what else should I use?

Thank you very much!

Do you have a good reason for using docker? If not then I suggest you don't. It can make life difficult as you are finding out.

Hi Colin,
yes I do.
This is my reason:


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