Hi, I've developed a Node-RED dashboard that connects to an OPC UA server. using the OPC UA nodes. I'd like to dockerise this so i've been following some tutorials to build my container and map the docker port to 1880 to the host port 1880.
This works fine but i can't seem to connect to my OPC UA server anymore through my to my docker container. Does anyone know how to map a port from the host to a docker conatiner so Node-RED can see the server?
my server is located at opc.tcp://localhost:49500
To build my docker container, map Node-RED to port 1880 and have persistant data I use the following command:
docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v node_data:/data --name OPC_UA nodered/node-red
I've tried adding the port using an additional -p tag but this doesn't seem to work since my host sever is using that port. Using the next port also doesn't seem to work - although on compile there are no errors.
docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -p 49500:49501 -v node_data:/data --name OPC_UA nodered/node-red
Any help would be fantastic!