Range error - The value "NaN" is invalid


now the values get in ?

The values are what is received by those two blue nodes..... ID and DATA.

Now, I strongly suggest you do what @knolleary said and contact the person who made that node.

In the mean time we can try to cheat.

Click on the two lines shown here by the two green circles.

We are going to work on the nodes which are pointed at by the arrows.


When you click on one of the lines it will turn orange.
Press the delete and the line will disappear.

Repeat with the other line.

then press the deploy button (top right)

Oh, after that:

Double click on the function node. Then click in the area where the code is.
Select all the code and post it here.


I have to send in a new name - may only send a few ansvars the first day :frowning:

(On the posting limit: You should have edited you older posts.... But anyway.)

Ok, that isn't causing the problem. I think it is the next node. :frowning:
Sorry. This is way way WAY beyond my knowledge base / skill set / ability.

I see @knolleary is replying again. But as I said before, you do need to get in touch with the people/person who wrote that node.

Good luck.

thanks for your help :slight_smile:

@jan1 please don't create multiple accounts. Edit previous posts to provide more details rather than add lots of individual posts.

The problem here is you have id and data coming from two different nodes. They arrive at the Function node as separate events.

If you want to do something with a values from both nodes at the same time, you need to join them together into a single message.

There is a recipe in the cookbook for that: https://cookbook.nodered.org/basic/join-streams

Thanks I will delete one account and thanks for your help.
I am desperate because i have to take an examenation in two days - thanks

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