I just downloaded the brand new 64bit Image for the Raspberry Pi. Node red is not on board.
So i tried the bash ... command described on the website.
My raspi is now for longer than 90 min busy with the install, currently at 'Installing node-red core'.
Is there another method to install node-red on the 64bit image?
Can you abort the install and show us what is in /var/log/nodered-install.log please. That may give us a clue. I am not sure if it has been tested on the 64 bit version yet.
That looks as if it failed to install nodejs, unless the end of the log is missing.
I see there are some system errors, not related to node-red, it would probably be a good idea to sort them out first.
What do you get if you run sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade
Then 90mins is probably about right, the Pi Zero 2 have very little memory compared to all the other devices, it will take time to build the native components used by some of the node.
After starting the script a message appears, saying it may last 20 to 30 min on slowest machines.
I killed it after 90 min.
Restarted, 30 min later it finished, with success.
But hey, this IS a slow machine! Tried a bigger program, takes longer to load than on a 32bit system on the same pi.
Booting takes also much longer than with a 32 bit system.
When the pi4 with 4 GB are available again, i will try this combination.
So for the moment thank you all for the help,
I think maybe that text needs to be ammended.
I seem to remember seeing that a 64 bit OS is better if you have plenty of memory, but not so good if the amount of memory is limited. I can't find that now though.