Read file node message: No such file or directory error!


I am moving my Node-Red flows from a Raspberry Pi device to a Synology DS220+ NAS with node-red created with docker compose.

I have a number of flows that have a read-file node, which work properly on the Rpi, but on the NAS it can't find the path and

"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/volume1/docker/node-red/aangebeld.mp3'"

However the path appears to be correct in WinCP

What am i doing wrong here?

/volume1/docker/node red/ is a directory on your NAS. This directory will be mapped to something inside your node-red (something like /data or similar). Look for this in your container settings in the Synology pages

You are right Steve,

So then the path would be:


I'll give it a try when I have more time


It is working, thanx!