Reolink doorbell finally supports webhooks

We have the D340W, you have the D340P

Its the right F/W

I think you have the PoE version of the Video Doorbell where the FW is one digit higher than the wired version that Steve and myself have.

I'll have to contact Bart, as he installed a D340W at his parent's home, and see if he encountered any problems/issues.

I realise mine is different but when searching there are 4 options to choose from.

So wanted to check if yours was DB_566128M5MP_W or DB_566128M5MP_W_W

Do you know where the Onvif events node can be found - that Bart refers to at the start of this thread (as that might work just as well as a web-hook) ?

Can you just check that model info for my peace of mind :wink:

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I've already tried (without any success) the FW that @Steve-Mcl has (as he has a D340W and has successfully upgraded to 2410111119).


Grrr answer the question :grinning:

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Onvif node works fine also, so webhook not really needed anyway.

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Thanks - I'm in the process of installing Onvif events node.

When I perform Onvif discovery, I get zero responses.
What else do I need to enable?
Is the ONVIF port correct?
Just checking firewall and access control.

My door bell is set the same as that.

I get this from the doorbell -

Is node-red connected to exactly the same network as the doorbell? Not a subnet or anything like that.

Received a D340P (POE) yesterday and have today carried out a firmware update.

I know this doesn't help you directly, but here is the procedure blow by blow!

Hardware DB_566128M5MP_P_W

Download Firmware (zip file)
Access D340P through Reolink App (Web UI in my case direct to IP of camera) - Ubuntu 24.04 - Firefox
Settings Gear|System|Maintenance|Firmware Update
Browse to .pak file in unzipped directory
Carry out update

Onvif Discovery, same as above

I think there might be a problem with my Reolink Video Doorbell as I can't get the FW upgrade to work (using the same steps as other people on the Forum) and the ONVIF doesn't seem to work.
I might return the product and get a replacement as I've spent so much time and effort on this.

You could give this a try to check NR can at least reach it OK

Have you tried firmware via web page and PC app ?

Yes - many times.
I'll give the URL a try.

Also try via a cable if you can ?

Just tried that... Snapshot URL works just fine.