When you deploy an additional dashboard widget to an existing dashboard tab, the widget gets inserted as the first widget in it's group:
It would be good if we could arrange the widgets in the editor and then apply that ordering to the dashboard page.
To permit this I suggest two new "actions":
- "Select widgets in the same ui-group"
- "Arrange ui group in editor order"
Action 1 would highlight all of a ui-group's widgets.
Action 2 would order those widgets within their ui-group according to their (x,y) position in the editor, left to right, top to bottom:
By no means is this making the editor WYSIWYG - it only puts the widgets in order.
The rendering still depends on the size of the widget and width of the group.
Ideally, if widgets in more than one ui-group were accidentally selected the second action should be greyed out.
If that's not possible it should raise an error.
The reordering should affect all widgets in a group, even if only one is selected.