Running Node-RED on Windows


can I run node-RED on my windows 7/ windows 8 OS system? where I can get exe to run?


The documentation covers how to install and run on windows:

In summary, it’s the same principle as on all platforms - install node.js and then use npm to install the node-red module.


After installing, I get below window

How I create flows/

Your last screenshot shows Node-RED is running. Well done.

Next you need to open up your web browser and point it at

Thanks it’s running now.

Now I have another machine with Windows 8.1 where I wanted to install node-red, but there I get error as below -- Can you please check & tell what is this error for?


Please try googling the error message for yourself. I don’t use Windows and have not seen that error before - but it looks like a fairly common thing and a quick search finds lots of suggestions for resolving it.

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