Searching for help to read status of Edimax Smartplug

The reason for the Edimax SP-2101W V2 with Firmware 3.00c not working with node-red-contrib-smartplug is a wrong password. While the username ist still "admin", the password is generated during the setup of the Smartplug using the EdiSmart App.
To find out this password it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  1. Find out the IP your Smartplug is actually using (you will need this in step 9).
  2. Delete the Smartplug from the EdiSmart App
  3. Perform a factory reset on the Smartplug
  4. As soon as the Smartplug is in "Installation Mode", connect your Smartphone with the "EdiPlug.Setup xx" WLAN as well as your PC.
  5. In the browser on your PC enter "". The response should be "OK".
  6. On your Smartphone open the EdiSmart App
  7. On your PC connect again to your "normal" WLAN
  8. On your Smartphone select the WLAN and password for your Smartplug
  9. As soon as you are requested to enter a new name for your Smartplug, start Telnet with the IP from step 1 and Port 1355 on your PC
  10. On your Smartphone type in the new name for your Smartplug and press OK
  11. Now immediately, and while your Smartphone is still configuring your Smartplug, type in "nvc all" in the Telnet session on your PC. At the end of the list a password different than "1234" should be shown. If not, again type in "nvc all" until the newly generated password is displayed.
