Selecting an object from within an object

In a flow, I have a msg payload object similar to;

    "a2c61946a883218c": {
        "online": true,
        "status": "on",
        "name": "sensor1"
    "a2c61946a883443c": {
        "online": true,
        "status": "off",
        "name": "sensor2"
    "a2c61946a765218c": {
        "online": false,
        "status": "on",
        "name": "sensor3"

I would like to retrieve the object that contains a specific value in the key name.
So for example, if I wanted sensor2, it would produce a payload output;

     "online": true,
     "status": "off",
     "name": "sensor2"

The node producing the flow may not include the value (sensor2) at all, or may produce an object with a different format, in which cases I would expect no match, and therefore no output. Also the position of "name": "sensor2" may not be in the same order within the objects.

I've been tying by using Object.entries but failing so far...

You could use something like:

let obj = msg.payload
let filtered = Object.entries(obj).filter(x => x[1].name === "sensor1")
msg.filtered = filtered
return msg;


{  "filtered": [
        "online": true,
        "status": "on",
        "name": "sensor1"
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If you are just wanting to replace the payload with a single object having that specific name, you can use the JSONata expression payload.*[name="sensor2"] in a change node.

To use another field (e.g. 'topic') as the lookup key, try payload.*[name=$$.topic] -- the $$. prefix in this case is necessary in order to reset the context to look for the topic field in the root of the msg object.


find() will find the first match

let filtered = Object.values(msg.payload).find(value => === "sensor1");
msg.payload = filtered;
return msg;


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@E1cid Thanks, this produces the output format exactly how I want it.
The only slight problem is that in the cases where;

...the code produces a 'undefined' payload, so is it a case of adding something like;

if (filtered != undefined) {
msg.payload = filtered;

try this

let filtered = Object.values(msg.payload).find(value => === "sensor1");
msg.payload = filtered;
if(msg.payload === undefined) msg = null;
return msg;


let filtered = Object.values(msg.payload).find(value => === "sensor1");
msg = filtered === undefined ? null : {payload:filtered};
return msg;

Thanks, that's better than my effort!

@bakman2 @shrickus Thanks for helping.

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