Send images from machine A to machine B


Sorry me... while I asked I was researching about the application, and I thought that I could improve my question, sorry.

I think the best think to do is close this topic and begin a new one, right?

I really loved the application that @BartButenaers showed me.

thak you Colin and thank you for all your help!

Yes, it is possible, but look:

I want to do that my suplier see the data that I'm seeing - I don't want to have mismatch of information (it could happen using the same datas in two differents systems).

Thank you Steve. I really appreciate your attention and information!

Just my 2 cents here: I have moved files very easily between Linux machines (Raspberry Pis and Ubuntu etc) using and exec node to scp with ssh. I use this to pull video and picture files from security cams made from Pi computers.
The command entered into the exec node looks something like this"

scp pi@* /home/will/.node-red/static/motion/storage/

More details if you are not familiar with ssh shell commands:
Basically scp is the same as the cp (copy) command. Think of it as ssh-copy.
The above command is run on my Ubuntu 'server' machine and retrieves files from a pi camera.
You need ssh working on both machines and the server needs to have a key copied to the Pi so you can run without password. To do this, run the following terminal command on the machine that will be running the scp command:

# you only need keygen if you have never done it before on this machine
# copy id to other machine
ssh-copy-id pi@

Now you can run ssh without a password.
Also you can run more complex operations by using the exec node to run a shell script like this:


today=`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S`

# $1 first imput parameter will be day of month 1-31
# $2 second imput parameter will be the last IP address number 192.168.1.XXX 0-255

# the -p parameter makes directories and subdirectories if they do not exist
mkdir -p /home/will/.node-red/static/motion/$1/$2

#ssh pi@ "sudo dd if=/etc/motion/motion.conf bs=1M" | dd of=backup-motion.conf
# remove old files
rm /home/will/.node-red/static/motion/$1/$2/*

echo getting files from pi
scp pi@192.168.1.$2:/var/lib/motion/* /home/will/.node-red/static/motion/$1/$2/

# count files moved to new location
# output will be in msg.payload from the exec node
ls  /home/will/.node-red/static/motion/$1/$2  -1 | wc -l

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