Send video from Home Assistant's Media folder to phone

I've also asked this question in Home Assistant community forums. Since this is Node Red based I figured here might increase my chances of finding resolution.

I'm in the process of trying to save all of my photos and videos to the more secure Media folder in Home Assistant. Currently I have an alarm automation that records video to my www folder. From there, using Node Red I use the following to send the video to my Android phone's companion app.

   "message": "Recordings",
   "title": "Home Alarm Triggered",
   "data": {
       "sticky": "true",
       "priority": "high",
       "channel": "alarm_stream",
       "group": "Alarm",
       "notification_icon": "mdi:shield-alert",
       "actions": [
               "action": "URI",
               "title": "Front Door Recording",
               "uri": ""
               "action": "URI",
               "title": "Garage Recording",
               "uri": ""

I'm now saving the recordings to the Media folder. I've tried changing the uri part to various versions of "uri":"/media/local/media/front_door_cam.mp4" but I can't seem to be able to view the video.
Any idea how I can link or watch the saved mp4 video located in my Media folder?

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