I try to build a very tiny LDAP-service to learn much about LDAP and the structure of ASN.1 coded IP packages. I receive a bind request over the 'tcp in' node and can read all necessary information (user, password, session-id). But now I'm sticking by responding with the bind response. I create the response in the same format as I received the in-message (buffer raw with an array of hex values) and call the 'tcp out' node. Here I selected 'respond to TCP'. And as I can see at wireshark the answer is sent, but only 6 values with 0x00 and not my 14 values from msg.payload.buffer. Can anyone tell me how I can fix it? The help of the node only tells me, that the content of the payload will send out and msg._session is needed for responding, which I can see in debugging.