Serial Port does not receive data on Rpi5

I have been using the serial port through a docker container using a RPI 3.
I followed the instructions at Docker NR & ttyUSB0 Permission denied - #17 by janvda
I use the node-red-node-serialport node to do this.
Connecting using the GPIO pins.
On RPI 3, it is connecting on /dev/ttyS0 and everything is working fine.

I have recently started upgrading to RPI 5.
But the same method does not work for some reason.
I already changed the port to /dev/ttyAMA0.
On the node, I can see it says connected and the icon shows green. But when I send data through the serial port, no data is received.
But when I test using the command screen /dev/ttyAMA0, I can see the data coming in.
I know that RPI5 has changed how the GPIO works and nodes like pigpio is now broken. I am wondering if the Serial Port has the same issues.

Has anyone else had issues or success in using the Serial port on RPI5 through a docker container?

Hi all,

Today I just tried to get rid of the docker container and just installed node-red directly on the RPI5.
Created the most simple flow with 1 serial in to a debug node.

Same thing. I see that it is connected. But no data comes in.

Tried with screen /dev/ttyAMA0 on the terminal and I can see data coming in.

The funny thing is that while node-red is running and so called connected to /dev/ttyAMA0, the terminal that is running the screen command can still connect to the same serial port. Correct me if I am wrong, but from my understanding, the serial port should be only open to one app am I right?

Not sure what responses you will recieve from folks, but I've started a thread to document progress/oppotunities/struggles w/ the Rpi5 and i2c... Mixed results so far... Like serial, i2c utilizes the GPIO pins. So, it might be of interest for you to peak into this thread on occasion...

How have you configured the serial node?

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