Serial Port RS485 question

Hi Becker,

  1. Is this the same Raspberry Pi you had working before ?
  2. I thought there was an Image from NibePi that pre-installed everything needed.
    Did you start a clean install with a 2nd SD card for testing ?

There not much information on the RS-485 Hat from the link you sent us.
Its just from an online shop and no useful information regarding installation in the Datasheet on that page.

I have no experience in these Hats since i use a cheap ebay USB to RS485 for my modbus tests.
but i found an article from a similar RS485 Hat that i hope you may find useful.

sudo raspi-config
goto '5 Interfacing Options'
goto 'P6 Serial'
'Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial?' --> NO
'Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?' --> YES
Finish raspi-config
reboot the Raspberry Pi

Now you can access the UART via /dev/serial0


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