I bought an SHT20 Digital Thermostat Temperature Humidity Controller Sensor
and I'm having prombems connecting it to NR.
The sensor have 4 wires:
I've connected the wires accordingly to the RPi 3+ and used the "DHT22" node.
I've configured the nod to "Physical Pins rev.1"
and the "Pin Number" once to pin 3(SDA) and once to pin 5(SCL) but with no luck. NR dose not recognize the sensor.
Please help me configuring the sensor.
below is a link to the sensor for more information
The SHT30 is not a DHT22 and has completely different electronics so no surprises that it doesn't work with that node. I don't believe there is currently a direct node for that sensor since most people don't connect direct to the Pi but rather via an ESP8266/ESP32 or Arduino or similar.
If you are not familiar with programming one, try using something like the EasyESP firmware which I think may support it - you'll need to check. Assuming it does, you can flash that firmware onto an ESP and have it up and running in no time - just connect it to your Wi-Fi and send the data to your MQTT broker. Then you can listen to the MQTT output in Node-RED and display it and/or take action as needed.
Connecting the sensor to the ESP is a matter of knowing which GPIO ports are used for I2C and connecting accordingly as you've done with the Pi. I have a couple of these on breadboard setups with ESP8266's I've generally used the Bosch BMP/BME-280's in the past but the SHT30's seem pretty good too. All of the DHT series are rubbish (they are widely used since they were the first cheap Temp/Humidity sensors).
Mix-up there Dave I think. The question is about the SHT20 which is a modern and perfectly fine sensor. It is just that it is fairly new on the market.