Want to share my first public Node-red node.
This Slack integration is based on Slack Bolt, it is a framework from Slack.
Unfortunately the existing Slack nodes are not complete or old and deprecated. Last point was a pain for my projects.
However with my node, user are able to
- send simple messages or Slack Blocks
- add every possible listener for slack e.g. events, actions, commands, shortcuts ...
example: https://flows.nodered.org/flow/368f36cbacfeba00b253086438f9a74d
Unfortunately it is a node version >=18 needed.
In future I will add some videos, about the Slack App Configuration and Slack Events.
Side note
I used the starter from GitHub - alexk111/node-red-node-typescript-starter: š Quick-start template repository for creating new Node-RED node sets in TypeScript.
but long time no updates.
So my node use the newest node versions, if someone is looking for a good Typescript base. If there will be no update soon, will also create a new repo for this.