@Becker i saw your node-red Home-Energymeter Code and have questions about it.
How do I get values? There is action when they will be published.
thanks in advance
@Becker i saw your node-red Home-Energymeter Code and have questions about it.
How do I get values? There is action when they will be published.
thanks in advance
the SMA EM/SHM is sending a multicast message every second, you have to join group
I have the same, but where the data goes? Can you show me a flow with a debug output? that would be nice. And if possible, the influxdb part too. thank you very much
Here the flows:
SMA EM.json (46.7 KB)
SMA SHM2.json (58.6 KB)
the Energy Meter has other Offsets.
You can put Debug wherever you want.
Thanks, I still have no output with debug
Which flow is for the home manager 2?
The output for the influxdb is not in the flow
SHM2: Sunny Home Manager 2
EM: Energy Meter
Influx output is in SHM2.
just try:
"id": "6fa3a49d.1e4bec",
"type": "udp in",
"z": "4726af68.c62a98",
"name": "SMA HM",
"iface": "",
"port": "9522",
"ipv": "udp4",
"multicast": "true",
"group": "",
"datatype": "buffer",
"x": 80,
"y": 20,
"wires": [
"id": "bee7c399efad0245",
"type": "debug",
"z": "4726af68.c62a98",
"name": "",
"active": false,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": false,
"tostatus": false,
"complete": "false",
"statusVal": "",
"statusType": "auto",
"x": 270,
"y": 20,
"wires": []
you have to get every second a buffer:
if you don´t get data, your RPi isn´t able to join multicast group.
thanks - i had it running in docker bridge-mode, that causes problems with multicast.
andere frage: gibt es kummulierte werte? mit sbf-spot kann ich wunderbar kummulierte werte des WR abrufen, geht das im HM nicht?
warum schreibst du mich nicht direkt an und lässt mich hier auf englisch abquälen ?
was meinst du für kummulierte Werte?
Wie schreibe ich direkt an?
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