Specify how the dashboard should open

Hi folks,

I have a last online call tonight with Maxim Salnikov about releasing (finally) the node-red-contrib-ui-web-push node on NPM, but I have problem with notifications containing buttons:


These buttons are very handy to trigger quickly actions in your Node-RED flow: simply click the button in the notification on your Android phone, and a http request will be send to the Node-RED flow..

However at the moment only Chrome supports such buttons in notifications :woozy_face:
So would like to do it another way: when the notification is clicked, I already open automatically the dashboard. But would it be possible to open - based on the URL - immediately a specified popup/tabsheet/... in the dashboard containing those buttons.

Then the dashboard would show those buttons, instead of me showing them inside the notification. Which would offer me much more possibilities, and have the same result in all browsers. Based on the type of notification, another URL can be opened (or use different URL parameters) to show other buttons...

Any ideas how I could do this?


not quite sure I understand what is happening where. Can't you just add buttons to a tab - and have it hidden/shown if necessary ?
(I'm obviously missing something)

It might be a very simple standard solution, but I don't know how to do it. Will give an example:

  1. I drive with my car on my driveway, and somehow Node-RED sees that is my car.
  2. Node-RED sends a notification to my smartphone, and passes some parameters in the notification message (incl. a dashboard url).
  3. I see the notification on my phone and when I click it, the dashboard will open (via the specified url).
  4. Now I expect to see in my dashboard some buttons to open the garage doors.

But in other use cases I want to pass another url, that shows me other widgets (e.g. a panic button to trigger the sirenes...)

Do you mean that I need to create a series of tabsheets, and use the urls of those tabsheets? Or do I need to activate (somehow?) a template node that generates some html elements, or ...

yes - either of those... either multiple "hidden" tabs - one per setup... or one with a template that you can inject your own buttons into.

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