SSL/TLS with node red

Hi Guys,

I am using two web applications (node-red and grafana) on my remote server. I am using nginx as reverse proxy sever for these two. I have binded an SSL certificate to them from lets encrypt.

  1. grafana working fine.
  2. Node red is showing the https connection. But i am not able to see any data in my debug window of node-red. Debug window is very important for me to check the data.
  3. I cant see also any green dot in the mqtt node, which indicates the connection.

Why i am not able to see the data on debug window? How can i fix it.

Thank you very much.....Please help me ......

I believe the debug stuff comes through websocket connections. I think maybe you have to do something in nginx to let websockets work, but not certain. I don't know whether the status also comes through that route, it might do.

As Colin says, you need to configure your reverse proxy to handle Websockets as well as http. There are plenty of blog posts that show you how.