I am currently working on a project that involves maintaining a setpoint of 20,000 using a PID controller in Node-RED. The goal is to use a slider to simulate a variable input and ensure that the charge remains above the setpoint at a rate of 250ms.
I have set up the PID node in Node-RED, with the setpoint and sample time set to 20,000 and 250ms respectively. I am also using a slider to simulate the variable input. However, I am currently facing some challenges in terms of getting the remanent of over 20,000 and I am not sure if my approach is correct.
I am trying to optimize the PID controller by adjusting the proportional, integral and derivative values, but I am still having trouble in controlling the oscillation of the PID and keeping the charge above the setpoint. I am also not sure if I need a loop with an inject node in the PID setup.
I am looking for guidance on the correct approach to take in order to achieve my goal of maintaining the charge above the setpoint using a PID controller in Node-RED.
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