<style scoped> Appearing Not To Work In Template Node

I created a template node with a few classes, and then copied this node several times. I changed the class in one of the nodes and it affected ALL the nodes. I tried <style scoped> as per the vue documentation but this did not make any difference.

I would be grateful if someone would let me know what I have done wrong & how to fix the issue.

Can you post a simple flow to illustrate the problem?

A link to the Vue documentation might help too.

This flow just includes 2 of the template nodes I was talking about.

If you copy the <style> section from the Hourly chart over the <style> section of the Daily chart you will (hopefully) notice a radical change. (Also note that class="base-container" has been added to the first <div> in the Daily template)

If you have several of your own template nodes on a page checkout the class data in the browser console

[{"id":"9e7e786081315c45","type":"ui-template","z":"fe7296cf2a5f7fba","group":"2a9d414817265ee2","page":"","ui":"","name":"Hourly Development","order":1,"width":"2","height":"1","head":"","format":"<template>\n    <div>\n        <div class = \"chart-title\">{{chartTitle}}</div>        \n        <div class = \"chart-container\"><canvas ref=\"chart\" /></div>\n\n    </div>  \n\n</template>\n\n<script src=\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js\"></script>\n\n<script>\n    export default {\n        data() {\n            // define variables available component-wide\n            // (in <template> and component functions)\n            return {\n                isChartLoaded: false,\n\n                chartType: 'HBar',\n                isStacked: false,\n                \n                chartTitle: 'Hourly Energy Useage',\n\n                // Note that these are the reverse of a normal Bar chart\n                yAxisKey: 'period',                             // String value - label, 'y' is the default\n                xAxisKey: 'value',                              // Number value - data,  'x' is the default\n                seriesKey: '',                                  // '' is the default (none)\n\n                xAxisMin: 0,\n                xAxisMax: 0.5,\n\n                yAxisTitle: '',\n                xAxisTitle: '',\n\n                isLegendDisplay: false,\n                isAutoSkip: false,\n\n                dataSets: [],\n                \n            }\n        },\n\n        watch: {\n             msg: function () {\n\n                if ( Object.hasOwn(this.msg, 'ui_update') ) {\n                    \n                    this.chartTitle = this.msg.ui_update?.chartTitle ?? this.chartTitle\n                    \n                    this.yAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisKey ?? this.yAxisKey\n                    this.xAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisKey ?? this.xAxisKey\n\n                    this.yAxisMax = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisMax ?? this.yAxisMax\n                    this.xAxisMax = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisMax ?? this.xAxisMax\n\n                    this.yAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisKey ?? this.yAxisKey\n                    this.xAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisKey ?? this.xAxisKey\n\n                    this.yAxisTitle = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisTitle ?? this.yAxisTitle\n                    this.xAxisTitle = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisTitle ?? this.xAxisTitle\n\n                }              \n\n                if (this.isChartLoaded) {\n                    if (this.msg.payload !== undefined) this.onInput(this.msg)\n\n                }\n                \n            }\n        },\n    \n        computed: {\n             backgroundColours: function() {\n                let backgroundColour = [\n                                'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(171, 199, 232, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(255, 127, 14, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(44, 160, 44, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(152, 223, 158, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(214, 39, 40, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(255, 155, 150, 1.0)',\n                            ]\n\n                return backgroundColour\n    \n            },\n \n            borderColours: function() {\n                let borderColour = [\n                                'rgb(255, 99, 132)',\n                                'rgb(171, 199, 232)',\n                                'rgb(255, 127, 14)',\n                                'rgb(44, 160, 44)',\n                                'rgb(152, 223, 158)',\n                                'rgb(214, 39, 40)',\n                                'rgb(255, 155, 150)',\n\n                            ]\n\n                return borderColour\n    \n            },\n\n        },\n\n        methods: {\n            // Expose a method to our <template> and Vue Application\n            draw() {\n                const ctx = this.$refs.chart\n                \n                // Render the chart\n                const chart = new Chart(ctx, {\n                    type: 'bar',\n                    data: {\n                        labels: [],\n                        datasets: [{\n                            label: '',\n                            axis: 'y',\n                            data: [],\n                            backgroundColor: this.backgroundColours,\n\n                            borderColor: this.borderColors,\n\n                            borderWidth: 1,\n\n                        }]\n                    },\n\n                    options: {\n                        indexAxis: 'y',\n                        plugins: {\n                            legend: {\n                                display: this.isLegendDisplay,\n\n                            },\n    \n                        }, \n    \n                        elements: {\n                            bar: {\n                                borderWidth: 1,\n                            }\n                        },\n\n                        parsing: {\n                            xAxisKey: this.yAxisKey,\n                            yAxisKey: this.xAxisKey\n\n                        },\n\n                        maintainAspectRatio: false,             // Let the chart take the shape of the container\n                        animation: false,                       // Do not animate\n                        responsive: true,                       // - and please be responisve\n                        \n                        scales: {\n                            y: {\n                                title: {display: this.yAxisTitle ==='' ? false : true,\n                                        text: this.yAxisTitle,\n                                        align: 'center',\n                                       },\n\n                                ticks: {\n                                    autoSkip: this.isAutoSkip,  // Turn off automatic tick count calculations\n                                },\n                                stacked: this.isStacked,        // Is this a 'stacked' bar chart\n                            },\n\n                            x: {\n                                title: {display: this.xAxisTitle ==='' ? false : true,\n                                        text: this.xAxisTitle,\n                                        align: 'center',\n                                       },\n                                beginAtZero: true,\n                                min: this.xAxisMin,\n                                max: this.xAxisMax,\n                                stacked: this.isStacked,\n                            }\n                        }\n                    }\n                })\n\n                // make this available to all elements of the component\n                this.chart = chart\n            },\n\n            onInput(inputData) {\n                const chartData = inputData.payload\n                const chartTopic = (inputData?.topic) ?? ''\n                                        \n                if (Array.isArray(chartData)) {\n                    if (chartData.length === 0) {\n                        this.clearChart()\n\n                        return\n        \n                    } else {\n\n                        // Configure the dataSets property as the chart datasets and clear any data values\n                        this.dataSets = this.chart.data.datasets\n                        this.dataSets.forEach(element => element.data = [])\n\n                        // For each item in array add the data to proper dataset\n                        // Series key defaults to ''\n                        // the data has format [{seriesKey: <string>, xAxisKey: <string>, yAxisKey: <number>}, and many more of such ...]\n                        chartData.forEach(point => {\n                            let dataSetName = (this.seriesKey === 'topic') ? chartTopic : ''\n                            let x = ''\n                            let y = 0\n                            if (this.seriesKey === '' || this.seriesKey === 'topic') {\n                                ({ [this.xAxisKey]: x, [this.yAxisKey]: y } = point)\n\n                            } else {\n                                ({ [this.seriesKey]: dataSetName, [this.xAxisKey]: x, [this.yAxisKey]: y } = point)\n\n                            }\n\n                            // If an HBar chart the incoming x & y axis data is swapped on the chart\n                            if (this.chartType === 'HBar') {\n                                this.addDataPoint(dataSetName, {[this.xAxisKey]: y, [this.yAxisKey]: x})\n\n                            } else {\n                                this.addDataPoint(dataSetName, {[this.xAxisKey]: x, [this.yAxisKey]: y})\n\n                            }\n\n                        })\n\n                        this.updateChart()\n                      \n                    }\n                    \n                } else {\n                    this.send({error: `H Bar Chart requires an Array of Objects`})\n                }\n\n            },\n\n            addDataPoint(dataSetName, data) {\n                let dataSet = this.dataSets.find(chartSet => chartSet.label === dataSetName)\n                if (!dataSet) {\n                    dataSet = addDataset(dataSetName)\n    \n                    this.dataSets.push(dataSet)\n                }\n\n                dataSet.data.push(data)\n\n            },\n\n            updateChart() {\n                if (this.chart) {\n                    this.chart.data.datasets = this.dataSets\n\n                    this.chart.update()\n                }\n\n            },\n\n            clearChart() {\n                if (this.dataSets.length > 0) {\n                    this.dataSets.forEach(element => element.data = [])\n\n                    this.updateChart()\n\n                }\n\n            },\n\n            // Add a copy of the first dataset\n            addDataset(dataSetName) {\n                let dataSet = {...this.chart.data.datasets[0]}\n\n                dataSet.label = dataSetName\n\n                return dataSet\n    \n            },\n\n        },\n        \n        mounted() {\n            // Code here when the component is first loaded\n            let interval = setInterval(() => {\n                if (window.Chart) {\n                    // The chart.js is loaded, so we can now use it\n                    clearInterval(interval)\n                    \n                    this.draw()\n\n                    this.isChartLoaded = true\n                \n                }\n\n            }, 100)\n\n        },\n\n        unmounted() {\n            // Code here when the component is removed from the Dashboard\n            // i.e. when the user navigates away from the page\n        }\n        \n    }\n</script>\n\n<style scoped>\n    .chart-container {\n        height: 425px;\n        position: relative;\n        font-size: 1.4rem\n\n    }\n\n    .chart-title{\n        text-align:center;\n\n    }\n\n    .centre-text {\n        text-align: center;\n        font-size: 0.8rem; \n    }\n\n</style>","storeOutMessages":true,"passthru":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"local","className":"","x":1320,"y":1000,"wires":[[]],"info":".base-container{\r\n    width:100%;\r\n    height: 100%;\r\n    display: flex;\r\n    justify-content: center;\r\n    align-items: center;\r\n\r\n}\r\n.chart-container{\r\n    position: relative;\r\n    margin: auto;\r\n    height: 100cqb;         /*use container query units to give full height of the container (100% of container height) */\r\n    width: 100cqi;          /*use container query units to give full width of the container (100% of container height)*/\r\n    display: flex;\r\n    justify-content: center;\r\n    align-items: center;\r\n}"},{"id":"84c4a8c53f4017b3","type":"ui-template","z":"fe7296cf2a5f7fba","group":"2a9d414817265ee2","page":"","ui":"","name":"Daily Development","order":2,"width":"2","height":"1","head":"","format":"<template>\n    <div  class=\"base-container\">\n        <div class = \"chart-title\">{{chartTitle}}</div>\n        <div class = \"chart-container\"><canvas ref=\"chart\"/></div>\n    </div>  \n\n</template>\n\n<script src=\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js\"></script>\n\n<script>\n    export default {\n        data() {\n            // define variables available component-wide\n            // (in <template> and component functions)\n            return {\n                isChartLoaded: false,\n\n                chartType: 'HBar',\n                isStacked: false,\n                \n                chartTitle: 'Daily Energy Useage',\n\n                // Note that these are the reverse of a normal Bar chart\n                yAxisKey: 'period',                             // String value - label, 'y' is the default\n                xAxisKey: 'value',                              // Number value - data,  'x' is the default\n                seriesKey: '',                                  // '' is the default (none)\n\n                xAxisMin: 0,\n                xAxisMax: 5.0,\n\n                yAxisTitle: '',\n                xAxisTitle: '',\n\n                isLegendDisplay: false,\n                isAutoSkip: false,\n\n                dataSets: [],\n                \n            }\n        },\n\n        watch: {\n             msg: function () {\n\n                if ( Object.hasOwn(this.msg, 'ui_update') ) {\n                    \n                    this.chartTitle = this.msg.ui_update?.chartTitle ?? this.chartTitle\n                    \n                    this.yAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisKey ?? this.yAxisKey\n                    this.xAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisKey ?? this.xAxisKey\n\n                    this.yAxisMax = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisMax ?? this.yAxisMax\n                    this.xAxisMax = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisMax ?? this.xAxisMax\n\n                    this.yAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisKey ?? this.yAxisKey\n                    this.xAxisKey = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisKey ?? this.xAxisKey\n\n                    this.yAxisTitle = this.msg.ui_update?.yAxisTitle ?? this.yAxisTitle\n                    this.xAxisTitle = this.msg.ui_update?.xAxisTitle ?? this.xAxisTitle\n\n                }              \n\n                if (this.isChartLoaded) {\n                    if (this.msg.payload !== undefined) this.onInput(this.msg)\n\n                }\n                \n            }\n        },\n    \n        computed: {\n             backgroundColours: function() {\n                let backgroundColour = [\n                                'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(171, 199, 232, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(255, 127, 14, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(44, 160, 44, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(152, 223, 158, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(214, 39, 40, 1.0)',\n                                'rgba(255, 155, 150, 1.0)',\n                            ]\n\n                return backgroundColour\n    \n            },\n \n            borderColours: function() {\n                let borderColour = [\n                                'rgb(255, 99, 132)',\n                                'rgb(171, 199, 232)',\n                                'rgb(255, 127, 14)',\n                                'rgb(44, 160, 44)',\n                                'rgb(152, 223, 158)',\n                                'rgb(214, 39, 40)',\n                                'rgb(255, 155, 150)',\n\n                            ]\n\n                return borderColour\n    \n            },\n\n        },\n\n        methods: {\n            // Expose a method to our <template> and Vue Application\n            draw() {\n                const ctx = this.$refs.chart\n                \n                // Render the chart\n                const chart = new Chart(ctx, {\n                    type: 'bar',\n                    data: {\n                        labels: [],\n                        datasets: [{\n                            label: '',\n                            axis: 'y',\n                            data: [],\n                            backgroundColor: this.backgroundColours,\n\n                            borderColor: this.borderColors,\n\n                            borderWidth: 1,\n\n                        }]\n                    },\n\n                    options: {\n                        indexAxis: 'y',\n                        plugins: {\n                            legend: {\n                                display: this.isLegendDisplay,\n\n                            },\n    \n                        }, \n    \n                        elements: {\n                            bar: {\n                                borderWidth: 1,\n                            }\n                        },\n\n                        parsing: {\n                            xAxisKey: this.yAxisKey,\n                            yAxisKey: this.xAxisKey\n\n                        },\n\n                        maintainAspectRatio: false,             // Let the chart take the shape of the container\n                        animation: false,                       // Do not animate\n                        responsive: true,                       // - and please be responisve\n                        \n                        scales: {\n                            y: {\n                                title: {display: this.yAxisTitle ==='' ? false : true,\n                                        text: this.yAxisTitle,\n                                        align: 'center',\n                                       },\n\n                                ticks: {\n                                    autoSkip: this.isAutoSkip,  // Turn off automatic tick count calculations\n                                },\n                                stacked: this.isStacked,        // Is this a 'stacked' bar chart\n                            },\n\n                            x: {\n                                title: {display: this.xAxisTitle ==='' ? false : true,\n                                        text: this.xAxisTitle,\n                                        align: 'center',\n                                       },\n                                beginAtZero: true,\n                                min: this.xAxisMin,\n                                max: this.xAxisMax,\n                                stacked: this.isStacked,\n                            }\n                        }\n                    }\n                })\n\n                // make this available to all elements of the component\n                this.chart = chart\n            },\n\n            onInput(inputData) {\n                const chartData = inputData.payload\n                const chartTopic = (inputData?.topic) ?? ''\n                                        \n                if (Array.isArray(chartData)) {\n                    if (chartData.length === 0) {\n                        this.clearChart()\n\n                        return\n        \n                    } else {\n\n                        // Configure the dataSets property as the chart datasets and clear any data values\n                        this.dataSets = this.chart.data.datasets\n                        this.dataSets.forEach(element => element.data = [])\n\n                        // For each item in array add the data to proper dataset\n                        // Series key defaults to ''\n                        // the data has format [{seriesKey: <string>, xAxisKey: <string>, yAxisKey: <number>}, and many more of such ...]\n                        chartData.forEach(point => {\n                            let dataSetName = (this.seriesKey === 'topic') ? chartTopic : ''\n                            let x = ''\n                            let y = 0\n                            if (this.seriesKey === '' || this.seriesKey === 'topic') {\n                                ({ [this.xAxisKey]: x, [this.yAxisKey]: y } = point)\n\n                            } else {\n                                ({ [this.seriesKey]: dataSetName, [this.xAxisKey]: x, [this.yAxisKey]: y } = point)\n\n                            }\n\n                            // If an HBar chart the incoming x & y axis data is swapped on the chart\n                            if (this.chartType === 'HBar') {\n                                this.addDataPoint(dataSetName, {[this.xAxisKey]: y, [this.yAxisKey]: x})\n\n                            } else {\n                                this.addDataPoint(dataSetName, {[this.xAxisKey]: x, [this.yAxisKey]: y})\n\n                            }\n\n                        })\n\n                        this.updateChart()\n                      \n                    }\n                    \n                } else {\n                    this.send({error: `H Bar Chart requires an Array of Objects`})\n                }\n\n            },\n\n            addDataPoint(dataSetName, data) {\n                let dataSet = this.dataSets.find(chartSet => chartSet.label === dataSetName)\n                if (!dataSet) {\n                    dataSet = addDataset(dataSetName)\n    \n                    this.dataSets.push(dataSet)\n                }\n\n                dataSet.data.push(data)\n\n            },\n\n            updateChart() {\n                if (this.chart) {\n                    this.chart.data.datasets = this.dataSets\n\n                    this.chart.update()\n                }\n\n            },\n\n            clearChart() {\n                if (this.dataSets.length > 0) {\n                    this.dataSets.forEach(element => element.data = [])\n\n                    this.updateChart()\n\n                }\n\n            },\n\n            // Add a copy of the first dataset\n            addDataset(dataSetName) {\n                let dataSet = {...this.chart.data.datasets[0]}\n\n                dataSet.label = dataSetName\n\n                return dataSet\n    \n            },\n\n        },\n        \n        mounted() {\n            // Code here when the component is first loaded\n            let interval = setInterval(() => {\n                if (window.Chart) {\n                    // The chart.js is loaded, so we can now use it\n                    clearInterval(interval)\n                    \n                    this.draw()\n\n                    this.isChartLoaded = true\n                \n                }\n\n            }, 100)\n\n        },\n\n        unmounted() {\n            // Code here when the component is removed from the Dashboard\n            // i.e. when the user navigates away from the page\n        }\n        \n    }\n</script>\n\n<style scoped>\n.base-container{\n    width:100%;\n    height:100%;\n    display: flex;\n    justify-content: center;\n    align-items: center;\n    /*container: chat / size;/*make this container available for container querys*/\n}\n.chart-container{\n    position: relative;\n    margin: auto;\n    height: 100cqb;/*use container query units to give full height of the container (100% of container height) */\n    width: 100cqi;/*use container query units to give full width of the container (100% of container height)*/\n    display: flex;\n    justify-content: center;\n    align-items: center;\n}\n\n</style>","storeOutMessages":true,"passthru":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"local","className":"","x":1310,"y":1060,"wires":[[]],"info":".base-container{\r\n    width:100%;\r\n    height: 100%;\r\n    display: flex;\r\n    justify-content: center;\r\n    align-items: center;\r\n\r\n}\r\n.chart-container{\r\n    position: relative;\r\n    margin: auto;\r\n    height: 100cqb;         /*use container query units to give full height of the container (100% of container height) */\r\n    width: 100cqi;          /*use container query units to give full width of the container (100% of container height)*/\r\n    display: flex;\r\n    justify-content: center;\r\n    align-items: center;\r\n}"},{"id":"2a9d414817265ee2","type":"ui-group","name":"HBar Chart","page":"f14e4c53d983b36e","width":"4","height":"1","order":1,"showTitle":true,"className":"","visible":"true","disabled":"false","groupType":"default"},{"id":"f14e4c53d983b36e","type":"ui-page","name":"Scope Example","ui":"80f2e5f9dbf80780","path":"/page10","icon":"home","layout":"grid","theme":"a5bbf4397c8aa75a","breakpoints":[{"name":"Default","px":"0","cols":"3"},{"name":"Tablet","px":"576","cols":"6"},{"name":"Small Desktop","px":"768","cols":"9"},{"name":"Desktop","px":"1024","cols":"12"}],"order":1,"className":"","visible":true,"disabled":false},{"id":"80f2e5f9dbf80780","type":"ui-base","name":"Environment","path":"/dashboard","appIcon":"","includeClientData":true,"acceptsClientConfig":["ui-notification","ui-control"],"showPathInSidebar":false,"showPageTitle":true,"navigationStyle":"default","titleBarStyle":"default"},{"id":"a5bbf4397c8aa75a","type":"ui-theme","name":"Default Theme","colors":{"surface":"#ffffff","primary":"#0094ce","bgPage":"#ffffff","groupBg":"#eeeeee","groupOutline":"#cccccc"},"sizes":{"pagePadding":"12px","groupGap":"6px","groupBorderRadius":"5px","widgetGap":"12px","density":"default"}}]

This is the link I looked at but there are others Vue Scoped Styling

The problem can be circumvented by having different names for the classes, but that rather defeats the object pf the exercise

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