[SUGGESTION] Flow library format for contributed node examples

It would be nice if the flow library could show the sample flows for contributed nodes in the same way that the cookbook formats its examples. That is, hide the JSON until the user presses a Show flow button and then provide a Copy button. This would focus attention on the graphic representation of the flow, which is often all the user needs, and it might save enough space on the page so that one could see most or all of the examples at a glance. This works really well in the cookbook and might be worth the effort to implement in the library.


If you want to have a go, both projects are on github, so you can see how its done and create a Pull Request ?

I don't think I have the chops for something like this, but I'll give it a try. As long as you don't think it's impossible or not worth the effort, I will take a look as soon as I've finished up my current project.

Would need to get the nod from @knolleary but I think all that you need to collapse it should be transferable.

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