I started to watch some of the @knolleary "developing Node-READ (sorry for that, my brain started to read the docs already :-D) Node-RED" videos on YouTube and they really help to get an idea of how things are structured, really great work Nick!
I've been wondering if there is some short description about each video (because there are so many!).
Also, is there a version of the code where there are some more comments/docs inside the code? Or some general documentation?
GitHub is THE version of the code. Sadly Nick only has 24 hours a day in which to write most of the code, design great new features, review complex pull requests, handle incoming issues, create videos and blog posts and the existing documentation, and feed the kids.
Yes, I understand of course. Being a father myself and working in a small team of five people, I can totally relate.
However, are there plans to start documenting (doesn't have to be Nick, right?) so others could get started maybe a bit faster and eventually relieve some pressure on the core team?
I had meant to do that as I went, as I knew it would become a useful archive. But the "I'll do that tomorrow" approach has left me with quite a backlog of videos.
But I will do it.
As for the code, it does depend what you're looking for. There are bits and pieces of docs scattered through the code, but not an overarching set of docs.
Again, something I have every intention of doing something about as I realise the self defeating nature of not have better internal docs.
With 2.0 now out of the way, it's these sorts of hygiene tasks that can get some attention (when I'm back from holiday next week)
As ever, if there are specific questions, I'm always happy to help answer them out at least point in the right direction.