Switching DigitalOutputs in Timeloop

Hello dear Comunity,

I have another problem with a timeloop. I have 6 switching outputs that should be switched in a loop with adjustable time on and pause in a loop. The logic is as follows:
Via UI setting switching time (t_on) on for outputs (DO) and pause(t_break) and start/stop.
After start
DO1 TRUE while t_on, all DO FALSE while t_break
DO2 TRUE while t_on, all DO FALSE while t_break
DO6 TRUE while t_on, all DO FALSE while t_break
DO1 TRUE while t_on, all DO FALSE while t_break
I don't have a clever solution yet to implement this in Node-Red - thank you!

Have you thought about using the msg.delay option within the 'delay' node?

Please note the value you pass-in is the number of milliseconds for the delay.
So 5000 would represent a delay of 5-secs.

I've used this method in some of my Finite State Machines (FSMs) where I needed a transition from one state to another that had a variable time delay.

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