Как подключиться к sybase iq (How to connect Sybase iq)

Добрый вечер, я новенький в использовании node red, подскажите пожалуйста как я мог создать узлы для подключеение и создание запроса в базу данных Sybase iq.
Буду очень благодарен если будет пример обращенния в Sybase iq. извините если за мой английский.
Good evening, I'm new to using node red, please tell me how I could create nodes for connecting and creating a query to the Sybase iq database.
I would be very grateful if there would be an example of circulation in Sybase iq. sorry if for my english.

I don't know Sybase IQ at all - but it seems like it may be an SQL database so one of the nodes on flows.nodered.org that handles sql may be able to connect.

Here is my workflow, if I need to integrate something new into Node-RED:

  1. search in the flow library for existing nodes
    in many cases someone has already written something you can use

  2. search at NPM

From there you have two choices:

  1. integrate the library in your settings.js in functionGlobalContext and use it in a function node
  2. wrap the library in a new node by following the docs
    (and hopefully share it with the community) :grinning:

I would recommend the latter, if there is some more complex client state handling involved (connections, etc...)