Hi folks,
simple question this time, is it possible to have a ± symbol in a ui_text label ? if so how ?
I'm trying to do this, but a bit neater . . .
so it would be . . .
Volts 3.2 - 3.4 ± 21 - 23
as the label.
Hi folks,
simple question this time, is it possible to have a ± symbol in a ui_text label ? if so how ?
I'm trying to do this, but a bit neater . . .
so it would be . . .
Volts 3.2 - 3.4 ± 21 - 23
as the label.
Yes, using key codes to display special characters.
The one you are looking for is Alt 241
Depends how you fill the ui_txt label.
In a function node you can do simpel this
msg.payload = "Volts 3.2 - 3.4 ± 21-23"
return msg;
[{"id":"8769ab57.dea6","type":"inject","z":"4c67c901.6c7988","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":170,"y":60,"wires":[["a903082.f28d1f8"]]},{"id":"a903082.f28d1f8","type":"function","z":"4c67c901.6c7988","name":"","func":"msg.payload = \"Volts 3.2 - 3.4 ± 21-23\"\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":350,"y":60,"wires":[["af83070c.73a26"]]},{"id":"af83070c.73a26","type":"ui_text","z":"4c67c901.6c7988","group":"b1015362.70285","order":7,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"","label":"text","format":"{{msg.payload}}","layout":"row-spread","x":560,"y":60,"wires":[]},{"id":"b1015362.70285","type":"ui_group","name":"TEstGroep","tab":"cb1110e8.87fd1","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"cb1110e8.87fd1","type":"ui_tab","name":"Tab 1","icon":"dashboard","order":1}]
edit: You can also use the numeric code, for this or other Math or special symbol.
msg.payload = "Volts 3.2 - 3.4 "+ '±' + " 21-23"
return msg;
Sure you can just paste it in the label field, or save it as variable and use mustache syntax.
[{"id":"e9366ca3.d23888","type":"inject","z":"c74669a0.6a34f8","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"label","v":"Volts 3.2 - 3.4 ± 21 - 23","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"200","payloadType":"str","x":260,"y":4440,"wires":[["93620258.0d0c","1f14adea.165232"]]},{"id":"1f14adea.165232","type":"ui_text","z":"c74669a0.6a34f8","group":"8b5cde76.edd58","order":14,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"","label":"{{msg.label}}","format":"{{msg.payload}}","layout":"col-center","x":620,"y":4480,"wires":[]},{"id":"8b5cde76.edd58","type":"ui_group","name":"","tab":"8f03e639.85956","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"12","collapse":false},{"id":"8f03e639.85956","type":"ui_tab","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]
Alt + 241 changes tab in Chrome . . . isn't Alt + number specifically for use with a numeric keypad on a keyboard ? I'm on a laptop and remoting into my Raspberry PI running Node Red, probably should have mentioned that in my post.
I simply wanted to enter the label field manually in the node.
This doesn't work for me, I imported your flow and see this in the function node . . .
msg.payload = "Volts 3.2 - 3.4 � 21-23"
I'm on a Raspberry PI running Node Red, probably should have mentioned that in my post.
Sorry, this doesn't work either . . .
Doesn't do that for me
Possibly.. I always use the numerical keypad, so don't know otherwise, but may test it one day.
EDIT - Using top row numbers does nothing. Number pad always works for that and other Symbols I tend to use, like degrees ° (ALT 248 or ALT 0176)
Same here.
And it works just fine so far...
Sure it works, if it doesn't for you, it is probably a browser/web font issue.
works on firefox and chrome for me
How weird . . . on the pi I can get this in the text editor, Volts 3.2-3.4 ± 21 - 23 but if I copy and paste that into the node label I get this:
Maybe its a Node Red version thing, I'm on 1.3.5 on a reasonably recent OS build on the pi
I get this:
\u00b1 is the UNICODE for the same ± symbol
Unicode character symbols table with escape sequences & HTML codes.
Gets confusing, what with all these differing ways of displaying funny characters and shapes Some work better with the keyboard and others better programmatically.
\u00b1 is the UNICODE for the same ± symbol
Yup, I realised that but still don't understand why I can enter the correct character.
Got it working now though using the following entered directly into the node label field: Volts 3.2-3.4 ± 21 - 23
Thanks to all for the help
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