I'm using a local raspberry pi a little like a hub, to connect to local IoT devices, and to pass the data via MQTT to a Oracle cloud server, to save the data on a database, and display it on Node-RED dashboards.
Having just updated both servers, I've used @BartButenaers's Tailscript guide to create a secure network.
Up to now, I've configured MQTT to work using both broker & client Public IP addresses in the normal manner, but realised that I can now reconfigure it to work completely within my Tailscale network, so I don't need TLS, certificates, etc, and trust Tailscale to ensure MQTT security & privacy.
So I thought I'd share the process here, if anyone else is interested.
- It's important that both servers need to be in the same Tailscale network
First we need to bind the Mosquitto broker to the Tailscale IP to ensure it listens only on the tailnet, so on the broker obtain it's tailscale IPv4 address;
tailscale ip
Make a note of it, and then edit the Mosquitto config file - (typically /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
or /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf
listener 1883 100.x.x.x
allow_anonymous true
...using your desired port number, and the Tailscale IPv4 address which was obtained above.
(I listen on a different port for my local MQTT traffic)
Restart Mosquitto, usually sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
In the client MQTT node, use the same port number and also the same Tailscale IPv4 address which was obtained above.
Deploy and it should then subscribe to the broker.
NOTE!! If you setup Access Control, you may need to change or remove the ACL rule, so that the server is able to access the other server (between client & broker).